First of all, you get Knowledge! You will have a better understanding of the Home Buying Process including who is involved and what their role is to you. After all, isn't that critical when you are about to make one of the most expensive purchases in your life.
We have also throw in a few perks....
If you start the pre-approval process at the end of the workshop (no cost, no obligation), then when you are ready to buy, this lender will waive your appraisal cost. That is a $600 savinigs.
This workshop is FREE!
We know that buying a home can be daunting. There are multiple moving parts and it's not clear how to start and what to do after you do start. This Workshop is meant to go over what's important, what the process is and how you get started.
Almost everything! A Realtor is your most valuable asset when buying a home. They will walk you through every part of the home buying process. They will educate and inform you of all your options. They will represent you throughout the transaction and beyond
Trust the Professionals!
Beware of advice from people who do not work in the industry. Real estate is a popular topic and almost everyone feels like they have some great insight to offer. In reality, the people who know best are the people that work in the business. Good Realtors have sold hundreds (maybe thousands) of properties. They know what to expect and what to look out for. Family and Friends may have only bought and sold a few homes. Real Estate is Complex and buying and selling a couple of homes does not make a person a well-rounded source of information.